Advisory Guidelines on the Personal Data Protection Act for Selected Topics

The Advisory Guidelines for Selected Topics elaborates on how the PDPA applies to particular issues and domains. These assist in organisations and individuals’ understanding of the PDPA in the context of the topics selected.

The full document is available here.

Chapters Listing

  • Chapter 1: Introduction and Overview
  • Chapter 2: Analytics and Research
  • Chapter 3: Anonymisation
  • Chapter 4: Photography, Video and Audio Recordings
  • Chapter 5: Drones
  • Chapter 6: Employment
  • Chapter 7: Online Activities
  • Chapter 8: Data Activities Relating to Minors
  • Chapter 9: Cloud Services

Revisions to Advisory Guidelines:

As of 23 May 2024

The chapter on “Data Activities Relating to Minors” has been updated to clarify how the data protection provisions in the PDPA apply to minors' (i.e., individuals below 21 years of age) personal data.

As of 31 March 2022

The chapter on Anonymisation has been updated to provide clarity to companies on the requirements for anonymising data.

As of 17 May 2022

The section on “Closed-Circuit Television Cameras (“CCTVs”)” under chapter on “Photography, Video and Audio Recordings” has been updated to provide more clarity to companies on the requirements for handling personal data captured through CCTVs.