Register Your Data Protection Officer (DPO)

In compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012, an organisation must designate at least one DPO and the DPO’s contact information must be made available to the public.

Responsibilities of the DPO

The responsibilities of a DPO include, but are not limited to: 

  • Ensuring PDPA Compliance
  • Fostering a Data Protection Culture
  • Efficient Handling of Data Inquiries
  • Alert Management on Personal Data Risks
  • Liaise with PDPC when required

The DPO function may be a dedicated responsibility or added to an existing role in the organisation. The appointed DPO may also delegate certain responsibilities to other officers. Organisations with manpower constraints may outsource operational aspects of the DPO function to a service provider.

Update / Register with PDPC

Register now to automatically be a part of the DPO community and gain access to:

  • Free workshops and resources
  • Latest updates on PDPA and best practices
  • Exclusive networking events
  • Insights on key trends for data breach prevention

Both ACRA-registered and Non-ACRA Registered Entities

Update / Register via our PDPC online form

Click To View Form

Notice: Starting 1 December 2024, Data Protection Officer (DPO) registration on ACRA's BizFile+ will be unavailable until further notice. Organisations wishing to register a new DPO or update existing DPO information can do so through the online form above.

FAQs on the New Registration Process

1. Why is there a change in the process for the registration of DPO information?

Starting 1 December 2024, DPO registration on ACRA’s BizFile+ will not be available until further notice.

Organisations wishing to register a new DPO or update existing information can do so on PDPC website until the service is fully restored on ACRA’s BizFile+.

2. As a Corppass user of my organisation, why am I unable to access the new DPO registration form?

You must have the “digital service access” for the e-Service “DPO-REGISTRATION”.

3. What should I do if I encounter a technical issue with the new DPO registration form?

You can report the issue by contacting

4. Is there a way for me to give feedback on the new DPO registration form?

Yes, you can provide your feedback by visiting

5. My organisation is not registered with ACRA (e.g. non-profit organisation). How can I register my organisation’s DPO?

You can register your organisation’s DPO with PDPC directly at

6. I have previously registered my organisation’s DPO information on ACRA’s BizFile+/ with PDPC. Do I still need to register via the new form?

If you have previously registered your organisation's DPO information with ACRA’s BizFile+ or PDPC, no further action is required.

7. How can I check if my organisation has already registered its DPO on BizFile+/ with PDPC?

We are currently developing a DPO search feature to help you verify your organisation’s DPO information.

In the meantime, please submit your request at

8. How can I update the information if there is a change in our organisation’s DPO?

You can update the information by submitting the changes at A step-by-step instruction guide is available within the form for your reference.

9. As a Corppass user of my organisation, why can’t I login to the form?

Please verify that your Corppass Administrator or Sub-Administrator has granted you/ other users within the organisation access to the digital service (“DPO Registration”) necessary to complete the transaction.

For other DPO-related enquiries, please refer to our Frequently Related Questions here.

For any queries, reach out to us via this.