Undertaking by BIIPMI Pte Ltd and XPrienz Pte Ltd


On 14 May 2023, PDPC was notified by XPrienz Pte Ltd (“XPL” or the “Organisation”) of a ransomware attack on its Network Attached Storage (“NAS”), resulting in the loss of their trainees’ personal data (the “Incident”). The NAS is physically owned by XPL and managed by the staff members of BIIPMI Pte Ltd (“BIIPMI” or the “Organisation”), a related company owned by the directors of XPL. The Organisation processes personal data of the trainees on behalf of XPL and is XPL’s data intermediary (“DI”).

As a result of the Incident, the personal data of approximately 2,954 individuals, including their names, phone numbers, email addresses, date of birth, NRIC number, employer name and educational qualifications were affected.


Investigation revealed that the compromised account which was used by the threat actor to access the NAS was shared between 9 users from BIIPMI.

The Organisation did not have sufficiently robust processes to protect the personal data stored on the NAS. The NAS was publicly accessible on the Internet without any security measures.

In addition, the Organisation did not have any password, patch management or change management policies. The password for the compromised account had not been changed for the last 4 years since the NAS was deployed.


 Investigation further revealed that XPL failed to stipulate clear job specifications and data protection requirements in its contract with its data intermediary, BIIPMI, and had failed to exercise reasonable oversight over BIIPMI.

Remedial Actions

After the incident, the Organisations did the following:

(a) Implemented MFA across all systems;

(b) Established unique login credentials and access rights for each user;

(c) Provided cybersecurity and PDPA awareness training for employees;

(d) Conducted periodic security reviews that encompass both online vulnerability scanning tools and manual reviews;

(e) Implemented separate data storage systems to restrict access between systems; and

(f) XPL entered into a new vendor contract with BIIPMI that provided clear job descriptions and the responsibilities expected of BIIPMI.

Voluntary Undertaking

Having considered the circumstances of the case and the lack of knowledge displayed by BIIPMI and XPL in cybersecurity and data protection practices, the Commission accepted a voluntary undertaking (the “Undertaking”), which was executed on 12 October 2023 and 18 October 2023 respectively, from the Organisations to engage an external service provider to improve its cybersecurity set-up and its data protection practices and policies.

As part of the Undertaking, after the initial set-up, the external service provider will conduct two further reviews. The first review will be conducted 6 months after the initial set-up has been completed and the second review will be conducted one year after the first review. The reviews are to ensure, amongst others, that the latest software updates have been installed on the Organisations’ devices and systems.

The Commission will verify the Organisations’ compliance with the Undertaking. If the Organisations fail to comply with any terms of the Undertaking, the Commission may issue a direction so as to ensure the Organisations’ compliance with the Undertaking.