Undertaking by Bukit Sembawang Estates Limited & Ors
Singapore United Estates (Private) Limited notified the Personal Data Protection Commission (the “Commission”) on 12 August 2024 of a ransomware attack involving the “Fog” variant that had encrypted and deleted data, including personal data, on its systems (the “Incident”). The Incident also affected Bukit Sembawang Estates Limited, Sembawang Estates (Private) Limited, Bukit Sembawang View Pte. Ltd., Paterson Collection Pte. Ltd., BSEL Development Pte. Ltd. and Bukit Sembawang Land Pte. Ltd. (the “Organisations”).
Investigations revealed that the threat actor (“TA”) had likely gained access to the Organisations’ system via a compromised user account and an administrative account which enabled TA to perform port scanning and to conduct lateral movements within the network.
The TA encrypted the Organisations’ files, which contained the personal data of 1,327 individuals. The types of personal data affected included a combination of the individuals’ name, NRIC number, contact information, passport number, date of birth and bank account numbers.
Upon discovery of the Incident, the Organisations took prompt remedial actions including, but not limited to, isolating the affected systems, enforcing password changes, implementing multi-factor authentication (“MFA”) for all users and encrypting all sensitive data and login credentials.
Voluntary Undertaking
Having considered the circumstances of the case, the Commission accepted a voluntary undertaking (the “Undertaking”) from the Organisations to improve its compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (the “PDPA”). The Undertaking was executed on 23 January 2025.
As part of the Undertaking, the Organisations will be implementing the following:
(a) Adopt stronger password controls;
(b) Enforcing multi-factor authentication for all VPN accounts;
(c) Set encryption on backup copies;
(d) Issue cyber security circulars and conduct IT security training for all employees;
(e) Conduct phishing simulation exercises;
(f) Conduct user account access review to ensure Role Based Access List is applied;
(g) Perform periodic vulnerability assessments and penetration testing on their network;
(h) Implement data loss prevention solution to trace and block unusual data movement in all employees’ computers;
(i) Engaging third-party to conduct a cyber security audit; and
(j) Conduct annual table-top exercise to test the cyber and data breach response plan.
The Commission will verify the Organisations’ compliance with the Undertaking. If the Organisations fail to comply with any terms of the Undertaking, the Commission may issue a direction so as to ensure the Organisations’ compliance with the Undertaking.