About Us
The Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC) was established on 2 January 2013 to administer and enforce the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA).
Our Mission
To promote and enforce personal data protection so as to foster an environment of trust among businesses and consumers, contributing to a vibrant Singapore economy.
Our Functions
The PDPC serves as Singapore’s main authority in matters relating to personal data protection and represents the Singapore Government internationally on data protection related issues.
Administering the PDPA
The PDPC’s aim is to balance the protection of individuals’ personal data with organisations’ need to use the data for legitimate purposes.
To achieve this, we implement policies related to personal data protection and develop Advisory Guidelines to help organisations understand and comply with the PDPA.
We also review organisations’ data protection practices and issue decisions or directives for compliance where necessary.
As the PDPA is a baseline legislation, we also work with sector regulators to oversee compliance in their respective domains.
Education and Outreach
The PDPC conducts educational and outreach activities to help organisations adopt good data protection practices, and provide individuals with a better understanding of how they can protect their own personal data from misuse.
Do Not Call Registry
The PDPC oversees the Do Not Call (DNC) Registry to ensure that individuals receive only telemarketing messages they want, and to help organisations boost customer relations by increasing consumer confidence and trust.
Leadership Team
The PDPC leadership team is made up of:
Mr Lew Chuen Hong
Ms Denise Wong
Deputy Commissioner